Verses of Realness - Bob McNeil


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Verses of Realness is a fierce, unfettered and naked look at the desolate landscape that has become the American cultural makeup. Through a battered new reality that pits man against man in a deadly game of survival of the unfit, Bob McNeil does not spare us the grit and pebbles in shoes. Not tethered to any particular political or propagandist ideology, Bob is free to gut sacred cows and set the table nicely for a romantic tryst at the same flip of a coin. He meanders from still thought to raging enthusiasm with a deft deal of the cards.
One can see his Verses of Realness pulsate from under the crust of the world around us, and out of it comes pure delight. This book is quite frankly a disturbing, yet beautiful take on the America that we have lost, and the America to be regained again.
By going deep inside our own selves, Bob McNeil guides the way to a new and improved view of what our world should be—something real and honest.